This blog is a tracking of the murder case of Brittney Gregory by Jack Fuller Jr. for those looking for information.
I had planned to cover the facts as they unfolded, piece together as much of the press and information as I can, since many of the sources of information are
either poorly linked, or disappear to archives (some paid).
At some point I still hope to get some, interviews with some of the players in this case,as well as Brittney's family and friends. I have opted not to even try up until now as I felt there were other places their attention needed to be focused.
While I tried to remain unbiased, once Fuller admitted to killing Brittney, it became impossible for me as a father of a young girl to be COMPLETELY "fair and balanced".
But despite that, all information that I uncover will be found here.
Please feel free to comment, but remain civil. (especially towards each other).
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Man Facing Murder Charges in Girl's Disappearance

(originally published by WABC 7 New York July 18, 2004)
(Brick-WABC, July 18, 2004) — Brittney Gregory, 16, is still missing. But police suspect the worst, and have charged a family friend, and neighbor with her death.
Brittney lived in Brick, and Jack Fuller, the alleged killer, lives in Howell. Fuller, 38, is being held on $1 million bail, charged with first-degree murder in connection with the disappearance of Gregory. He'll be arraigned on Monday afternoon.
Fuller's neighbors we spoke with said he had a reputation for drugs and getting into trouble.
Brittany was straight-A student. She disappeared a week ago after calling her mother asking for a ride to her boyfriend's house. It now appears she accepted a ride from someone she knew and presumably trusted, namely Fuller, her best friend's father.
Mike Montero, Suspect's Neighbor: "That is how he was able to supposedly able to give her a ride home, you know, he was there. She got in the car with him thinking she was going to get a ride home or ride to her boyfriends house."
On Sunday, police arrested Fuller, and the front door to the house is covered in fingerprint dust.
Residents say this is not the first brush with the law. They say Fuller has been in and out of jail for drugs, and would break into homes to feed his habit.
Janice Moody, Suspect's Neighbor: "He will knock on doors, ask for money, and in the woods behind us that is where he would sleep. We were scared at times."
The search for Brittany's body continues in the woods near Fuller's home, and in trails near her house.
Brittany's family was too distraught to speak on camera. Through a statement, they thanked everyone for their support and the authorities for the quick police work. As for Jack Fuller, he is being held on $1 million bail. He's charged with first degree murder and has a court appearance set for Monday.