This blog is a tracking of the murder case of Brittney Gregory by Jack Fuller Jr. for those looking for information.
I had planned to cover the facts as they unfolded, piece together as much of the press and information as I can, since many of the sources of information are
either poorly linked, or disappear to archives (some paid).
At some point I still hope to get some, interviews with some of the players in this case,as well as Brittney's family and friends. I have opted not to even try up until now as I felt there were other places their attention needed to be focused.
While I tried to remain unbiased, once Fuller admitted to killing Brittney, it became impossible for me as a father of a young girl to be COMPLETELY "fair and balanced".
But despite that, all information that I uncover will be found here.
Please feel free to comment, but remain civil. (especially towards each other).
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Photo: Fuller Appears in Court

Brittney Gregory was last heard from on July 11 when she told her parents she needed a ride to her boyfriend's house. Prosecutors say they have a witness that saw Brittney in Jack Fuller's car on the night she disappeared. He was no stranger to her -- Fuller's daughter is Brittney's sister's best friend.