This blog is a tracking of the murder case of Brittney Gregory by Jack Fuller Jr. for those looking for information.
I had planned to cover the facts as they unfolded, piece together as much of the press and information as I can, since many of the sources of information are
either poorly linked, or disappear to archives (some paid).
At some point I still hope to get some, interviews with some of the players in this case,as well as Brittney's family and friends. I have opted not to even try up until now as I felt there were other places their attention needed to be focused.
While I tried to remain unbiased, once Fuller admitted to killing Brittney, it became impossible for me as a father of a young girl to be COMPLETELY "fair and balanced".
But despite that, all information that I uncover will be found here.
Please feel free to comment, but remain civil. (especially towards each other).
Monday, August 02, 2004
Tears for Britt,hug for mourner
The grieving family of a slain New Jersey girl cursed her alleged killer yesterday, but welcomed his tearful daughter as she and hundreds of friends paused to mourn at a closed casket.
As two pals held her by the arms, a sobbing Cassie Fuller entered the Anderson and Campbell Funeral Home in Toms River and slowly walked to the white coffin that held her friend, Brittney Gregory.
Friends said the 21-year-old daughter of suspect Jack Fuller has been racked with guilt over the slaying, but Brittney's family showed her only kindness yesterday.
"She's destroyed, too," said Cassie's friend Cherie Wilkinson, 30, of Toms River. "The Gregory family gave her full support. They understand what she's going through."
Cassie placed a bouquet of purple irises, lilies and white carnations at the foot of her friend's coffin. She stared up at a large photo of Brittney before heading out a back door.
Before she could leave, Brittney's sister Bryana hugged Cassie and let her know the family bore her no ill will.
But other mourners could not mask their anger at Cassie's father, a 38-year-old ex-con whom they want to see suffer.
Brittney's nude body was found Tuesday buried in a shallow grave beneath towering power lines in a wooded area two miles from her Brick, N.J., home. An autopsy revealed blunt trauma to her head and evidence she was either strangled or suffocated, police said.
Detectives are awaiting the results of tests to determine if she was sexually assaulted.
"They should take him [Fuller] to the power lines where they found Brittney and string him up," said John Hasse, 50, of Brick.
But most mourners tried to focus on how Brittney lived, not how she perished.
They remembered the Brick Township Memorial High School honor student for the twinkle in her blue eyes, the sparkle of her smile and warmth of her heart.
"She made everything nicer," said classmate John Barrett, 16. "She didn't deserve this."
All around the funeral home were snapshots of the blond-haired girl enjoying life. There was one of Brittney with her face covered in cake frosting after a food fight with her buddies. Another photo showed her in her royal-blue prom dress, surrounded by her smiling girlfriends.
"She was just a beautiful girl, gorgeous," said classmate Danielle Demers, 16, who like other mourners wore a blue ribbon on her lapel to signify Brittney's favorite color.
Brittney's mother, Debra Gregory, hugged every one of Brittney's friends, pleading with them to be careful.
"Beautiful girls like you should always take a friend when you go out," the mother told one of her daughter's friends. "Don't go alone. Promise."